
deeptime 2.1.0 (2024-10-25)

This new minor version of deeptime introduces several new features and bug fixes.

New features:

Notable changes:

Bug fixes:

deeptime 2.0.0 (2024-08-19)

deeptime now requires ggplot2 version 3.5.0 or higher.
This new major version of deeptime includes several new features:

Bug fixes:

Notable changes:

deeptime 1.1.1 (2024-03-08)

deeptime now requires rlang version 1.1.0 or higher. This patch version includes several bug fixes:

deeptime 1.1.0 (2024-03-05)

deeptime now requires ggplot2 version 3.4.0 or higher. This version introduces several new features and bug fixes:

Notable changes:

deeptime 1.0.1 (2023-02-16)

deeptime 1.0.0 (2023-01-20)

deeptime 0.3.0 (2022-11-09)

deeptime now requires ggplot2 version 3.3.0 or higher. Several new features and fixed compatibility with various ggplot2 versions.

deeptime 0.2.3 (2022-09-20)

deeptime 0.2.2 (2022-05-18)

deeptime 0.2.1 (2022-01-10)

Updated built-in timescales

deeptime 0.2.0 (2021-09-02)

Several new features and bug fixes.

deeptime 0.1.0 (2021-07-23)

First minor release (released on CRAN!)

deeptime 0.0.6

Several bug fixes and minor features.

deeptime 0.0.5

Added coord_geo(), which is a coordinate system for ggplot2 that allows for adding highly customized timescales to ggplot objects. Both gggeo_scale() and gggeo_scale_old are preserved but will receive notably less maintenance moving forward.

deeptime 0.0.4

ggarrange2() now accepts geo_scale objects and other grobified ggplots

deeptime 0.0.3

Minor release for bug fixes

deeptime 0.0.2

Complete redesign of gggeo_scale() that adds the scale outside of the plotting space using gtable. The old version of gggeo_scale() is preserved as gggeo_scale_old().

deeptime 0.0.1

First full release. Adds scale onto the bottom of a ggplot.